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Katie Goetz  Loleta Team

by Katie Goetz

Pastor at Woodside Road United Methodist Church and Fall Matching Campaign Donor


If where my husband and I give our dollars demonstrates favoritism, then Sierra Service Project is one of our favorite non-profit organizations. While Daniel is mostly along for the ride at this point in time, I have participated with SSP in some way since 1992, whether as a camper, summer staff member, counselor, or board member. It was through SSP as a high schooler that I started learning that the way I live my Christian faith is far more important than how I think about my faith.

It was through SSP as a high schooler that I started learning that the way I live my Christian faith is far more important than how I think about my faith.

This is no small thing, I’m pretty good at living in my head and thinking that my thoughts are pretty important. It was also through SSP that I started learning that the solutions to poverty, racism, and injustice are deeper and more complex than a new roof. But, putting a new roof on someone’s home is a good place to start learning about these deeper social issues and discovering how we can be a part of the systemic change necessary to create a more just world. (Disclaimer: I’ve never been up on a roof in any of my SSP roles. I’m not sure how that happened.)

I like to think that part of the reason why I’m the pastor, parent, and Christian that I am today is because of my experiences with SSP. We support SSP through the matching campaign because of the difference that SSP made in my own life and because we know that I’m not alone in living a life that’s been shaped by spending part of my summer at SSP for so many years. I can say that it’s our hope and prayer that SSP continues providing life shaping opportunities for youth and young adults.

But if we want to make sure that those experiences continue to be offered through this program that we so admire, then it is important to us to support SSP with our financial resources as well, and we hope you will join us.


Editor’s Note: All donations received during the Fall Matching Campaign are doubled 100% thanks to multiple generous donors like Katie and Daniel Goetz. Please give today! The campaign ends September 30.