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COVID-19 Safety at SSP

Updated COVID-19 Safety Practices

In the summer of 2025, we will not require the COVID-19 vaccine for volunteers. However, we strongly recommend all participants are up to date with all immunizations per CDC guidelines, including new COVID-19 vaccines as they become available.

We know that the virus continues to evolve with new, highly contagious strains emerging. We want to do all we can to ensure the comprehensive safety of all and prevent shutting down a week of SSP, so we follow these procedures:

Prior to arrival:

  • Reduce exposure to potential positive COVID-19 cases. Any known exposure to a positive case within 5 days of departure for SSP means the volunteer is not allowed to attend, but can reschedule for a later week.
  • Test before you depart for SSP: Provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test for every volunteer. Be sure to test before members of your group gather and are in high-exposure spaces as you prepare to travel to site. Rapid antigen at-home tests are preferred. 

During the program:

  • Test mid-week: 48 hours after arrival everyone will test again, and as needed as symptoms or known exposures arise. SSP will coordinate and provide tests.
  • Positive cases: In the event someone becomes symptomatic or tests positive at SSP, that person will isolate. Others who meet High-Risk Exposure criteria will also be tested daily and mask indoors for the remainder of the week to prevent spread during the incubation period.
    • High-Risk Exposure: 15+ minutes unmasked, less than 6’ apart in enclosed space
      • Arrival group members who have been in a vehicle or slept nearby
      • Work team members who have been in a vehicle or indoors together
      • Others who have slept nearby at site
  • Those who test positive (with or without symptoms) have two options:
    • Isolate on site for the duration of the week; OR
    • Depart and travel home. SSP strongly encourages all parents to have an early departure transportation plan in case of this.

After the program:

  • Notify SSP staff of any positive cases in the volunteer group within 48 hours after leaving the program. This helps us identify follow-up testing for staff as necessary.

We will publish any additional safety-related information as the summer approaches.


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COVID-19 Related Fee Policies

See SSP’s Summer Information Packet for details on COVID-19 Related Fee Policies.