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Celebrating a Decade of Partnership

By Keri Mosey
Director of Programs & Development, Tolowa Dunes Stewards

The Tolowa Dunes Stewards is a scrappy network of contractors and volunteers dedicated to the education, protection, and restoration of the unique coastal lands within traditional Tolowa Dee-ni’ territory. We have managed to support this area known as the Tolowa Coast for 21 years, nearly half of which has been in partnership with Sierra Service Project!

We celebrated our tenth anniversary of working and playing together this summer. Ten years of descending upon the dunes with hundreds of enthusiastic, fun, and hardworking SSP teammates to remove the exotic invasive European Beachgrass that chokes acres and acres of our beautiful coastline. We’ve seen volunteers grow into staff and return year after year in new leadership roles.

Together, we’ve laughed! We’ve cried! We’ve eaten! We’ve jump roped with enormous beachgrass roots, witnessing airborne acrobatics and piano concertos! We’ve happened upon elk and June bugs and countless other dune critters in the 19.9 acres that have been restored because of our collaboration.

When it comes to achievements on the Tolowa Coast, the legacies of our two organizations have become intertwined.

When it comes to achievements on the Tolowa Coast, the legacies of our two organizations have become intertwined. Native plants such as the threatened Silvery Phacelia now thrive in the open sands that were covered in impenetrable beachgrass before SSP started removing it with us. Our first survey turned up only eight of the delicate plants. Our latest survey ten years later unearthed 1,000! The Snowy Plover, a small, endangered shore bird, has begun to make this newly restored land their home. We had an unprecedented 15 nesting attempts this year.

The plants and animals are thriving just as our relationship with SSP continues to thrive way up here on the Tolowa Coast.

The plants and animals are thriving just as our relationship with SSP continues to thrive way up here on the Tolowa Coast. A decade from now, I hope to be writing fondly of even more acres saved and friendships made with our beloved partners at SSP.

Editor’s Note: You can be part of the ongoing efforts to bring native flora and fauna back to the Tolowa Dunes! Sign up to volunteer with SSP this summer in Del Norte County – there are plenty of spaces available for groups and individuals to join us for a week of service.