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1976: Ione

Scott Olsen   Page

My first two trips to SSP as a camper. One time to Ione and a second trip was Round Valley (working on the United Methodist Church). Cleaning bat poop from the belfry!

SSP absolutely influenced the man I ultimately became. It instilled in me a servant’s heart. And that heart has continued to serve for the 39 years since that time. It has prompted my return to SSP as an adult counselor for many years, and it keeps me enthusiastically encouraging the youth of our church to participate if they can. SSP at its core is about serving others, living in community, and worshiping God, always has been, always should be.

Scott Olsen
1976 – 1977
First United Methodist Church of Loomis

Send us your stories, memories and photos to be included in the 2nd edition of SSP’s book set to be published Fall 2015.