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1990: Candle at the Northern and Southern Sites

1990: Candle at the Northern and Southern Sites

“I feel this summer strongly upheld one of our basic tenets. ‘We seek to work in glad cooperation and mutual support with other workers, being prepared to keep sensitive and hopeful according to the needs of the hour!’ In seeing the work done, and the workers doing it, the Project and those who participated reached out to each other, and the community they found themselves working in, gladly and with love. I think we all learned a little more about ourselves and our faith in the process.”

Robin Marks, Executive Director of Sierra Service Project in 1989


480 people participated from 42 United Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran and Episcopal churches across California, Washington, Oregon, and Arizona, including many churches who are sending teams this summer!

  • Asbury UMC
  • FUMC Loomis
  • St. Mark’s UMC in Sacramento
  • Pacific Palisades CUMC
  • St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in Sacramento
  • FUMC San Diego
  • Foothills UMC
  • Walnut Creek UMC
  • Corona UMC
  • Lafayette UMC
  • St. Mark’s UMC in Tucson
  • Camarillo UMC
  • FUMC Turlock

Northern site staff members

Jeffrey Tooker – Site Director
Jon Ernest – Program Director
Neal Youngblood – Construction
Scott Shinabargar – Supply
Alyssa Joehnck – Cook
Diane Putnum – Cook

“Friday – a supply box was setup in the center with tools used during the week. Items from the kitchen were added as well. Bread and grape juice were placed at this ‘communion table’, and candles were lit. While we sat, Jon spoke about the week, reviewing events. We then shared the bread and juice. I closed by talking about living with open hands and then began the passing of a single candle. As the candle went around the circle, everyone had a chance to share a feeling or a prayer with the group. We closed with a group hug.”

“We had an excellent summer for our fifteenth anniversary. Tex would have been proud of the experience provided and of the staff that provided it.”

Southern site staff members

Matt Gorman – Site Director
Brad Tooker – Construction Supervisor
Meline Akashian – Supply Supervisor
Nichole Bennett – Supply Supervisor
Jennifer Mottershaw – Cook
Jamie Dollins – Cook

“Water conservation was the name of the game this year. Although the salty well from last year was sealed off, water availability was extremely low. Drought on the reservation does not mean water shortages in a few years – if water use is very high, parts of the reservation go without by mid-afternoon. Some shortages were reported from before our arrival of up to six days straight, but we never lost water at the Tribal Hall. Conservation was stressed very strongly, with showers and toilet flushing being limited.”

“Friday – We individually reflected on our week’s experience at SSP, by passing a hammer around the circle and talking about something important to us from the week. Then we shared bread and wine, sometimes with pastors from the other groups, and sometimes without. It was a time of affirming our community and experiencing God’s love through it.”

Send us your stories, memories and photos to be included in the 2nd edition of SSP’s book set to be published Fall 2015.