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2016 Annual Newsletter

As Christmas approaches, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your generous support for Sierra Service Project’s work. You are a genuine friend of SSP and your giving sustains this organization. You have truly blessed us, and we are grateful.

Below is our Annual Newsletter. It will give you a sense of the wonderful things that have happened in the SSP world over the past year that your generosity helped to make possible. I hope you will enjoy reading it.

If you are able to make an additional, year-end donation, a gift now will help us start the new year in a strong financial position.

With deepest gratitude and best wishes for a peaceful and abundant 2017,



Rick Eaton
Executive Director

[invicta_calltoaction primary_line=”Donate Today” secondary_line=”Your gift empowers youth to build faith and strengthen communities through service to others.” label=”Donate” link_type=”page” page_id=”5102″ size=”large” icon=”icon-wrench” style=”style_4″ primary_line_keywords=”Donate” secondary_line_keywords=”build faith,strengthen communities”]