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A Parent’s Priceless Experiences

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By Scott Wilmoth

Youth Director from Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Tustin, CA


My name is Scott Wilmoth, and I am one of the youth directors at Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Tustin, California. This is my third SSP experience as an adult counselor, and this year our group served in Walker River, Nevada during week two. I enjoy the SSP experience because it is about serving, it is about being a part of something that is bigger than the individual, and it is about being the hands of Christ to our brothers and sisters.

SSP empowers both youth and adults to come out of their comfort zone (…)

SSP empowers both youth and adults to come out of their comfort zone to do things they may not normally do like use power tools to help build a shed. This sense of empowerment helps their confidence to grow, and as their confidence grows their trust in others grows, too. SSP builds on this trust in the work team, and the trust in the community that is built, to help each person grow in the spiritual walk with Christ. The experience is real, and as a youth director that is what we want for our youth. We want them to have a real service experience that helps them grow in their faith. As a parent I also want that for my own children.

During each of my three SSP counselor experiences I have had the honor of sharing those experiences with my oldest son (he has been to SSP four times and is a member of our youth group). Each time we have gone to SSP together I watch him smile, dance, learn about different cultures, use power tools, play his mandolin, sing, grow in his faith, and be a part of a community of Christ that is unique and special. Listening to him speak during the closing candlelight circle fills my heart with love and pride. We get to share stories of how we have served together. Our first year of SSP together both of our groups worked on some houses in the same location, and on Friday of that week the owners of the houses had our groups celebrate the work by serving us a goat stew lunch. It was a life-changing experience that we were able to share together as father and son. We will never forget it.

It was a life-changing experience that we were able to share together as father and son.

For the first time our church sent a group of middle school youth to SSP, so my youngest son was able to attend week two in Stockton. He had a wonderful time serving on a farm where his group pulled weeds, picked tomatoes, and fed chickens. He grew closer to members of his youth group (and the adult leaders), and he met some new friends, as well. We were also able to share stories of service, and his faith continued to grow from this experience. I am excited about sharing the SSP experience with him soon.

As a parent, sharing these kinds of experiences is priceless. SSP empowers these young people and gives them confidence to do things they may not do at home. SSP shows them the value of servant leadership that in giving you shall receive. SSP shows them the value of working together as a community both on the smaller work team and in the larger group during worship and programming. SSP gives them the opportunity to grow in their faith, and those are all traits that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Thanks be to God! Amen!

Editor’s Note: Scott’s sons also wrote about their experiences this summer. Read about Garrett‘s and Gavin‘s experiences.