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A Selfish Passion

Smith River Staff Pyramid

By Marissa Martinez

Spiritual Life Coordinator in Smith River, CA


Becoming a staff member of Sierra Service Project has been quite the experience. I initially came into training a little pessimistic because I believed that I would be judged due to the way I practice my faith, but boy was I wrong! I do not believe that I have ever met such an honest, loving, accepting, and beautiful group of people. The entire staff: office, site directors, and fellow staff members, all took the time to make me feel included and comfortable, and for someone who has never been involved with this organization, it means a lot.

This summer, I am working as the Spiritual Life Coordinator (SLC) in beautiful Smith River, California. I have put a lot of work into this year’s program in Smith River and I feel that the youth will really respond to the material. I really believe in being openminded and loving towards others, so I hope that the youth pick up on that. The youth go through a lot and it is amazing to

Digging post holes in Smith River!
Digging post holes in Smith River.

see how they grow from their experiences, even at a young age. I do not believe that we give them as much credit as they deserve. The youth are the ones who truly inspire me the most.

Being an SLC is a very difficult job; yet, the most rewarding job on staff. You have to get into the youth’s minds and figure out how to communicate with everyone on the same level. With the many different ways that people learn, trying to accommodate all minds is challenging. These challenges are easily worth it as I watch the youth’s transformation throughout the week. I know it must sound silly, but I feel so blessed to be able to be a part of these young peoples’ lives. I work hard to make sure that what I have prepared can inspire them in some way, but it always turns out that I am the one inspired. I cannot wait to be even more inspired this summer! I am super pumped!

I work hard to make sure that what I have prepared can inspire them in some way, but it always turns out that I am the one inspired.