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BIG DoG: Boost Your Support May 5th!

best of arizona

Sierra Service Project is proud to be participating in Sacramento’s Big Day of Giving (BIG DoG) on May 5th. Starting tonight at midnight, you will have 24 hours to give where your heart is, and we hope that is with SSP! When you donate before 11:59PST on May 5th, your gift to SSP will grow thanks to a pool of funds that will boost all gifts!

SSP has spent the past 40 years learning about communities, serving with our neighbors and worshiping with new friends. We need your help to build the experience for the next 40 years so that more teenagers can be transformed by the humbling experience of service, more homes and community centers can be repaired, and for more young adults to become our next generation of leaders.

The Sacramento Region Community Foundation, in partnership with GiveLocalNow, Placer Community Foundation, Yolo Community Foundation, and other partners are working together to increase awareness and donations for Sacramento area non-profits. From midnight to midnight, Sierra Service Project will join 500 other non-profits in the region who will all work together to engage as many as 25,000 donors, and we hope you will be one of them!

We are encouraging all of our supporters to give $40 (or $40 per month!) in honor of SSP’s 40th year of service at 4:40AM PST (for our East Coast friends) and 4:40PM PST! Keep your eye out for special #SSPswag giveaways to our 4th, 14th, 24th, etc. donors!