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Counselor Training

Welcome to SSP’s online training course for first-time adult counselors!

We are so excited you will be joining us this summer. Adult counselors are a vital part of a youth’s transformative experience. We hope you will find yourself transformed as well in the process. The goals of this training are:

  • To ensure you understand the mission and purpose of SSP.
  • To make sure you have a good idea of what to expect at SSP.
  • To make sure you know what SSP expects of you.
  • To expand on information in the 2019 Summer Prep Packet.
  • To answer any other questions you might have prior to the summer.


The training should take about 1 hour to complete. Download the 2019 Counselor Training Handout to follow along with the videos below. Watch each video, then taking the corresponding quiz below before proceeding. There are 3 sections, each about 15 to 25 minutes long. Email Veronica Russell, Director of Volunteers and Outreach, with any questions.

Thank you for serving as an adult counselor this summer!

[invicta_button label=”Counselor Training Handout” url=”” target=”_blank” size=”medium” icon=”icon-file-text” alignment=”center”]

Counselor Training Part One: About SSP (13 minutes)

Scott on SSP’s Mission

Tom on Construction Experience

Counselor Training Part Two: What to Expect (12 minutes)

Advice from Katherine

Advice from Jack

Counselor Training Part Three: Safety & Expectations (25 minutes)

Robb on Dress Code

Barbara on Electronics

Jack on Leading Youth

Thank you for completing this training!

Please let us know any additional questions or feedback you have using the form below. We look forward to serving with you.