Welcome to your SSP week
We are excited to welcome you to your SSP week with the Environmental & Housing Justice team! All activities are held on Zoom. Join from a computer, or from a smartphone or tablet (download the app.) In your account, you can edit your preferred name and pronouns (e.g. she/her/her, he/him/his, they/them/their, etc.) Click the title of each activity for the Zoom link:
Daily Schedule
Click the title of each activity to join on Zoom! This year’s schedule is designed for flexibility. Join when you can and communicate with staff as needed! All times are Pacific Daylight Time.
The Monday morning welcome starts at 10:30am. All other days follow this schedule:
- 10:30-11am — Drop-In Breakfast Club (optional)
- 11-11:45am — Community Crossing (see below for resources to learn more from our speakers)
- 12:30-1:30pm — Lunch & Spiritual Sandwich (note: on Friday this time will be used to hear Aaron York from Worship Central speak over lunch time and Community Crossing will be for Spiritual Sandwich!)
- 2-3pm — Choose an SSP Adventure (see options below)
- 3:30-4:30pm — Choose an SSP Adventure (see options below)
- 5-5:45pm — Spiritual Program
- 6-6:30pm — Songtime live on Zoom daily, streamed to Facebook & Instagram on a rotating basis. Here is a PDF of the SSP Songbook! (optional)
- 8pm — Bedtime story: Monday, Wednesday, & Fridays on Instagram @SSPsummer2021 (optional)
Choose an SSP Adventure
Contact Staff
If you have questions, we are here to help and support you! We want to make this is a rewarding experience for all participants:
- Site Director: Austin Jones, Austin.Jones@SierraServiceProject.org
- SSP HQ Staff: SSPhq@SierraServiceProject.org or (916) 488-6441
- Staff Team: TeamA@SierraServiceProject.org
- Site Director: Austin Jones
- Spiritual Life Coordinator: Ev Harvey
- Media Coordinator: Kathryn Henry
- Activities Coordinators: Alli Meusling, Joshua Phillips, & Amanda Smith
Team Invitation Video
Fundraising for Imperial Beach Neighborhood Center
SSP has been working with our partners in San Diego County since the summer of 2015. In addition to home repairs, and facility improvements for community-based organizations, our programs have explored the issues of poverty, immigration, and the environment, all of which are driving factors of life in the richly diverse neighborhoods near the US-Mexico border.
As part of our four-week online program this summer, we are remotely supporting the impactful work happening in our partner communities all year-round. We invite you to join the Environmental & Housing Justice Team in fundraising for the Imperial Beach Neighborhood Center (IBNC)!
“The Imperial Beach Neighborhood Center is committed to walk the walk of the gospel in helping the most marginalized members of our community. Those who are homeless, those who are poor, those who are hungry, those who are seeking to have a better life. I’m excited to be a part of Sierra Service Project and their endeavor to connect community.”
– Pastor John Griffin-Atil
IBNC provides vital resources for southern San Diego County residents facing food, housing, and healthcare insecurity. Programs offered include Saturday showers and toiletries, health screenings, access to a community garden, and a weekly food closet. They hope to launch an inclement weather sheltering program in the near future.
IBNC is led by John Griffin-Atil, Executive Director and UMC pastor, a longtime supporter and friend of SSP. Pastor John is also a member of SSP’s new Community Advisory Council. Learn more about Imperial Beach Neighborhood Center’s programs and impact.
Text IBNC to (202) 858-1233 to give, or use the form to the right or button below! $5 provides a pair of socks for a neighbor in need.
Resources to Learn More from our Community Crossing Speakers
- Tuesday: Tolowa Dunes Stewards: Laura Morgan & Tara Dettmar
- Tolowa Dunes Stewards is a group of citizens dedicated to the restoration and conservation of the Tolowa Coast and education about these lands.
- Continue your education and deepen your understanding of the natural world around you with these additional resources.
- TDS on Facebook and Instagram
- Wednesday: Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve: Robin Echols-Booth and Marya Ahmad
- The reserve preserves, protects, and manages the natural and cultural resources of the Tijuana River Estuary by focusing on research and education with compatible recreation and resource use. The Reserve encompasses beach, dune, mudflat, salt marsh, riparian, coastal sage scrub, and upland habitats surrounded by the growing cities of Tijuana, Imperial Beach, and San Diego. Critical issues confronted by the Reserve include habitat conservation and restoration, endangered species management, management of the wastewater from Mexico, sediment management, and the integration of recreation. Video series highlighting individual plant and animal species within the estuary: Facebook or YouTube.
- View a map of the Reserve
- View this short film to find out why the Tijuana Estuary is so special.
- Thursday: Klamath Tribes: Will Hess
- Killing The Klamath (video, 21 min, 53 sec): The Klamath Tribes are fighting to save their sacred C’waam and Koptu fish before it’s too late.
- Friday: Worship Central in Lake County: Aaron York
- Pastor Aaron, his wife Leah, and their five kids have been Caretakers for a 25-acre piece of land located in Middletown, CA where they have been working to ‘arise’ from out of the ashes of the 2015 Valley fire.
The vision for the 25-acre parcel of land is centered around a 24/7 prayer and worship center in a garden of Eden like setting that people from all over could come to for healing, training, and rest.
- Pastor Aaron, his wife Leah, and their five kids have been Caretakers for a 25-acre piece of land located in Middletown, CA where they have been working to ‘arise’ from out of the ashes of the 2015 Valley fire.
- Wednesday Week 1: Diné Policy Institute: Franklin Sage, Ph. D.
- The Diné Policy Institute is a research organization housed in Diné College in the center of the Navajo Nation. Their purpose is to identify important social and political questions facing the Navajo people and provide public research and informed perspectives on these. Their research regularly focuses on Navajo politics, Navajo governmental reform, natural resource use and energy politics, development, and social movements.
- Nihe’iina’ Náás Yiilyéél (Perpetuating Our Way of Life): Diné Local Goverance from Tradition to COVID-19
- Wednesday Week 2: Oregon State Parks: Terra Kemper (watch the recording)
- Terra and fellow park rangers with the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department have collaborated with SSP in Chiloquin, OR on Adventure Wednesday activities for five years. We are grateful for partnerships with our local contacts, as they provide context for the service learning activities SSP volunteers engage in. Read Terra’s blog post from 2019.
- OSP on Facebook and Instagram
- Friday Week 2: Diné community member: Silver Nez Perry
- Four historical novels written by Silver’s grandmother in a sweeping epic of one determined Navajo family’s efforts to persevere during the Long Walk, blends history, romance, conflict, culture, and family in a finely crafted story that is a true work of passion. Purchase at Salina Bookshelf, specializing in dual language books in Navajo/English and Hopi/English, as well as textbooks used to teach Navajo language in schools. Listen to the Her Land, Her Love Audio (free).
- Friday Week 3: Imperial Beach Neighborhood Center: Pastor John Griffin-Atil
- IBNC is committed to addressing the needs of the community of Imperial Beach which include food insecurity, homelessness, and supporting those in need with the necessary resources for a positive change. The Center engages the community to work together in order to create a more unified and empowered neighborhood. SSP has partnered with IBNC since it was founded in 2018!
- Hear Pastor John share about their mission and join the Environmental & Housing Justice Team in fundraising $2,500 this summer for IBNC!
- IBNC on Facebook