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My First SSP Experience – Spokane

Clare McCaa Spokane Thursday

By Clare McCaa

Youth from Central United Methodist Church in Stockton, California


This was my first year attending Sierra Service Project and I traveled to Spokane, Washington. I can remember when my older brother came home 4 years ago after serving in South Los Angeles. He was totally excited and I now know what that excitement was all about!

This year I was lucky enough to share this experience with my dad. I was his co-pilot the whole way up and back for the long car rides. Being in the car for so long really brought us all together and there was never a dull moment. The whole trip was an adventure.

(…) I now know what that excitement was all about!

In Spokane, my work team built a double level deck. The thing I learned the most with this project was patience and that it will take a while to actually be able to see the work you have put in.

Personally, throughout the week I was spiritually challenged in a great way. My work team discussed our faith as much as we could that week. Hearing about others that had the same beliefs as me was such an eye opening time. This experience was like none other I have ever had before. I can’t wait until next year!


Editor’s Note: Check out photos from Clare’s time in Spokane. If you would like to support SSP’s programs, please consider making a tax-deductible donation today.