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Jordan Karnes #mySSPstory

Jordan Karnes
Sonoma State University, Junior
Food Service Coordinator, Tsaile 2017
Point Pleasant United Methodist Church


Being a part of the SSP community has been one of the most influential parts of my life. Without SSP I would not have developed into the leader I am today. Because of the time and energy I’ve dedicated to this program, I have thrived as a leader in recent years. I’ve grown so much thanks to the people I’ve met, and the experiences we’ve had together.


These factors, although I didn’t know it at the time, were fundamental to shaping me into the person I am today.


Since my first week as a youth in Fort Hall in 2011, every SSP week I’ve experienced has uniquely impacted me. As a youth, SSP mesmerized me. I loved being a part of a work team and getting to know youth from other places with hearts for service like me. The staff members empowered me and I always looked up to them. These factors, although I didn’t know it at the time, were fundamental to shaping me into the person I am today.

In 2014 in Tsaile I met Chloe Parker, and we started to talk about life, staff, faith, and everything in between. I looked up to Chloe so much because she is strong, confident, and the type of leader I want to be one day. To this day, I don’t think Chloe knows that she’s the main reason I applied for staff. I can only hope that I am able to impact youth in a similar way.


I’m overwhelmed with gratitude to have this organization in my life.


I’ve been able to translate my leadership skills from SSP into so many areas of my life. I’m the community service chair of my sorority, and I lead a weekly Bible study.

This year, I’ve gotten the amazing opportunity to be a part of the Leadership Academy. I will continue to develop my leadership alongside so many amazing SSPeople by my side. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude to have this organization in my life. It’s an honor to be a part of this community that values and empowers young leaders like me and so many others!


Editor’s note: Jordan most recently served on staff in Tsaile, AZ as a Food Service Coordinator. She is a Leadership Academy fellow and her story is the seventh part of the #mySSPstory series highlighting SSP staff leaders and their stories. Join Jordan and apply for 2018 summer staff!

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