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Summer Theme: Environmental & Housing Justice

SSP Smith River

By, Austin Jones, Site Director

This summer, SSP is centering topics that connect us to community partners that we have previously served with. While we are not able to serve in-person, we have incorporated voices from these communities to help us keep our relationships strong for years to come. 

“We have incorporated voices from these communities to help us keep our relationships strong for years to come.”

Our team’s theme, “Environmental and Housing Justice,” addresses some of the most important issues facing not only SSP’s partner communities but all of our home communities. We are working closely with community partners from Lake County, Chiloquin, San Diego, and Smith River to share about their communities and to highlight the advocacy work already taking place. We hope discussions on this topic will empower participants to learn more and positively impact not only the communities SSP partners with, but their own communities as well.  

“We hope discussions on this topic will empower participants to learn more and positively impact not only the communities SSP partners with, but their own communities as well.”

I have had personal experiences as both a volunteer and staff member in Chiloquin and Smith River. My first trip to Chiloquin was in 2015 as a volunteer and it was within this community that I first started taking interest in environmental justice. SSP’s partnership with the Chiloquin community gave me a way to see advocacy efforts at work, inspiring me to be proactive in any ways I can. 

“My first trip to Chiloquin was in 2015 as a volunteer and it was within this community that I first started taking interest in environmental justice.”

In 2018, I served in Chiloquin as a staff member and we worked with Terra Kemper, a park ranger at Collier Memorial State Park, to help plant trees. In 2020 Collier State Park was impacted by wildfires, and while we cannot help plant trees like in summers past, we are excited to connect with Terra this year, along with our other community partners, to listen, learn, and find out how we can contribute and do our part.

Editor’s Note: Join Austin and his team in advocacy this summer as a participant or Staff-in-Training!