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Molly Leach

Youth Board Member, Loomis First United Methodist Church, Loomis, CA

During my first SSP, I was assigned to a deck and ramp project for a man who occasionally used a wheelchair, and couldn’t get out of his house because it wasn’t accommodating for his needs. My group came into the project towards the end and got to finish it during our week.

“I finally understood why people kept coming back to SSP…it was the gratification of seeing something that completely changes another person’s life for the better.”

After seeing the look on this man’s face after he realized that he could begin to get parts of his life back, I finally understood why people kept coming back to SSP. It wasn’t because of the yam bread or the song time (although those are strong motivators for returning). It was the gratification of seeing something that completely changes another person’s life for the better.

We also knew this man had a hard time making ends meet, and when he presented us with ice cream at the end of the week, our hearts were warmed knowing he went out of his way to surprise us, despite us not expecting anything in return.

“I used to think SSP was just another summer camp, but that was before I had the amazing opportunity to serve others and give back in ways I didn’t even think were possible.”

When I think back to who I was before my first SSP, and who I am now, it’s a completely different person. I think about how I used to think SSP was just another summer camp, but that was before I had the amazing opportunity to serve others and give back in ways I didn’t even think were possible.

When I’m at SSP, it just feels good. Everything seems to have a purpose or clicks into place. I find that SSP is one of the best ways to learn about communication, working with others, and practical life skills. Without SSP, I don’t think I would know as much about power tools, or even fixing everyday items. I also learned how to make a mean PB & J, which is something I will definitely carry with me to college.

“SSP has changed me throughout four summers of service, and has shaped how I view other people and their situations.”

SSP has changed me throughout four summers of service, and has shaped how I view other people and their situations. I’m grateful for all the opportunities that SSP has given me over the years, especially serving as a youth Board member.

Editor’s Note: Molly has attended four SSP trips with the First United Methodist Church of Loomis. She has served in Tsaile, San Diego, Spokane, and Chiloquin. Learn more about why Molly keeps returning to serve with SSP’s summer programs!

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