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Seeking, Serving, Growing at SSP

By Holly Kennedy

Group Liaison for Ladera Community Church (LCC)


My first experience with Sierra Service Project was with St. Mark’s UMC in Sacramento as a junior in high school (summer of 1996), and I’ve only missed a few summers since then. It was such a transformative experience that I have made it my quest to get every church I’m a part of involved. Ladera Community Church is no exception.

When I came to LCC in 2012, there was a good group of youth, but no real youth program. I immediately knew SSP would be a great way for our group to build lasting relationships through serving others and exploring faith together. SSP has become a favorite for the youth, and the congregation is eager to support the program.

While I have participated in SSP in many ways over the years, this January was the first time I had ever attended SSP with middle school youth. As our active youth graduate out of the youth group, I hope to get the next generation excited about serving with SSP by giving them a taste of the program through the Weekends of Service.

“Service is a big part of who we are as a faith community, and Sierra Service Project helps us extend the reach of our service to communities in need,”

Our weekend in Sacramento was a great introduction for newer youth, and it whet the appetite of some of our older youth, who will serve this summer in Chiloquin. Through the hard work of four work teams, we rebuilt sections of fencing, painted a home, and built planter boxes at a community garden. We were also supported and led by a great group of SSP staff who gave guidance on the worksite, provided food and programming, and showed love to the youth.

Sierra Service Project provides an opportunity for growth, to youth and adults alike. Our high schoolers were given the opportunity to exercise and strengthen their leadership skills. Our middle schoolers had the opportunity to participate in a service project apart from their parents. Our adult leaders were given the opportunity to grow in how we support middle school youth who are apart from their parents.

At Ladera Community Church, our three pillars are “seeking, serving, and growing,” so you could say service is our middle name – just like SSP! Service is a big part of who we are as a faith community, and Sierra Service Project helps us extend the reach of our service to communities in need throughout the Western United States. SSP has become a part of the fabric of our community, and will no doubt continue to be woven into the fabric of the lives of youth and adults who participate year after year.


Editor’s Note: A Weekend of Service is the perfect way to try out SSP for the first time! Check out more January weekend photos on our Facebook. We are hosting sessions in Sacramento and Portland over President’s Day weekend, February 17-19, and are open to hosting additional groups this spring. Contact Veronica Russell to sign up or serve during dates your group is available!