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Spiritual Sandwich: Adding Color to Your Day

By Megan Walsh, SSP Executive Director

There is something nostalgic and comforting in the structure of a coloring book page. You can start anywhere you want, assigning familiar or wild colors to the spaces set in front of you. The same design can result in endless combinations of color palettes, reflecting our uniqueness as individuals who make up community together.

Whether you are an “inside” or “outside” the lines kind of artist, spending time in a coloring book page can help you gain mindfulness and take a pause from the world around you. To that end, the artists of the SSP office team have prepared a few coloring page designs for you, inspired by the SSP experience we all love!

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Join us in adding color to our lives. Hang a completed coloring page on your wall, mail it to a friend, or snap a photo and share it moments after it is completed. While you are coloring, ask yourself or the loved ones in your life these questions:

  1. If you were a color, what color would you be? What color represents your personality?
  2. During this season, what colors best represent this time of your life?
  3. How do you use your creativity to express your faith or God’s love in your life?
  4. As you color, think about three things you are grateful for right now. Meditate for a few minutes on each. Share as you feel led.


Editor’s Note: We would love to see your finished creations! Use the hashtag #SSPcolors when you share to social media. If you are feeling extra creative or inspired, draw your own SSP-style coloring page design and send it to us!