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Weekends of Service Expand Church’s Youth Ministry


By Reverend Daniel Ross-Jones

We became an SSP church by attending a Sacramento Weekend of Service (WoS) in 2012. The hall of Oak Park United Methodist Church has become a sort of holy ground for our Middle School youth group. Our youth are excited to keep connections with their new friends alive throughout the year and their parents continue to be impressed by the stories their children bring back with them.

Since our first Sacramento WoS, we’ve expanded our service opportunities for youth. We are now regular participants in the Summer Middle School Program, and even drove from Palo Alto to a Los Angeles WoS with a group of High Schoolers last year. We’re working on more ways we can partner with SSP, both as an individual congregation and recruiting our sister church friends throughout our community and denomination.

As a pastor I am thrilled to continue partnering with such an ecumenical, progressive Christian organization grounded in an active, empowering faith. If you haven’t tried out a Weekend of Service yet, you’re missing out on the full SSP experience!

Editor’s Note: Rev. Daniel Ross-Jones is the Associate Minister at the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Palo Alto, CA. Learn more about Weekends of Service.