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Financial Information

Sierra Service Project is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in the State of California. Donations power over 60% of SSP’s operations. Without donor investment, our work doesn’t happen. Over 400 individuals and families give annually.

Financial Transparency

SSP’s tax identification number (EIN) is 68-0222320. We believe in financial transparency; information about us can be found on the independent informational service Candid and our GivingEdge profile. Independent audits and 990s can be found on our downloads page.)

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Sierra Service Project’s financial information is open to the public. If you have any questions about SSP’s finances, please email or call us at (916) 488-6441.

Summer Program Fees

To host impactful service-learning experiences, SSP incurs real year-round costs as we prepare for the summer program and maintain organizational operations. This includes employing several long-term SSP staff, renting office and warehouse space and utilities, vehicle maintenance, and acquisition and repair of tools. 

These costs are incurred in addition to the direct costs of our summer program, which includes food and materials for volunteers, facility use fees, vehicle rentals and fuel, T-shirts, summer staff pay, and more. 

With substantially increased costs, we also face several years of inflation. The true cost of running the summer program is significantly higher than SSP charges for participant fees, thanks to grants and donations that underwrite the summer programs. This helps offset some of the costs of running our programs, while the rest comes from participant fees. 

The true cost of running the summer this year comes out to $1,037 per person. Though we work to keep fees low, we have to make minor increases to ensure the longevity of our work with our partner communities. To mitigate the cost of attending for anyone who finds it a barrier, SSP can provide scholarship funds.


Scholarships are an important part of SSP’s mission, allowing more youth the opportunity to serve. In 2024, SSP awarded $37,426 in scholarships to 1/4 of all participants to make our programs accessible. These are young people who would not have been able to have the wonderful SSP experience without this financial assistance.

Current Grant Providers

Every year, SSP receives financial support from several generous foundations and businesses.

Businesses That Match Employee Gifts

Many corporations will match their employee’s donations and volunteer hours. Some will even match their retiree’s contributions. Below are some of the companies from which SSP is currently receiving matching donations.

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
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